What Science Says About Yoga & Meditation

December 3, 2021 by Ayman0

The benefits of yoga & meditation are rigorously tested.

Your heart has a lot to gain from the practices of yoga & meditation. In fact, its effects are felt throughout your mind and body, which subsequently impacts your day-to-day life for the better. The main goal of yoga & meditation is to create a healthy environment within your body where vital organs like your heart can thrive in. Here are some peer-reviewed scientific papers and articles on the topic.


Yoga & The Heart:

Yoga for improving functional capacity in people with heart failure  

The Yoga-Heart Connection ⮞ 

Yoga for the prevention of cardiovascular disease ⮞ 

Yoga – A promising technique to control cardiovascular disease ⮞ 

Role of Yoga in Cardiac Disease and Rehabilitation ⮞ 

Yoga-Based Cardiac Rehabilitation ⮞ 

The Benefits of Yoga Therapy for Heart Failure Patients ⮞ 


Meditation & The Heart:

Meditation and Cardiovascular Risk Reduction ⮞

Meditation: In-Depth ⮞

Meditation and Coronary Heart Disease ⮞

Effect of Meditation in Coronary Artery Disease Patients ⮞ 

Effects of Meditation on Mental Health & Cardiovascular Balance ⮞ 

Meditation interventions among heart failure patients ⮞ 


With this in mind, our team has built a comprehensive 5-day course that takes important lessons and exercises from yoga & meditation that specifically target your heart health.

Take A Look At The Course Here.


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Copyright by Save The Young Heart 2020. All rights reserved.