A blend of science and spirituality – How anger can increase the risk of heart disease
Anger is a strong emotional reaction instigated when we cannot have things done according to our notions and way of thinking. The passion behind our anger can lead to aggressive behavior, which not only harms the individual personally, but may also cause marital discord, alcoholism, smoking, and anti-social behavior. This causes further disruption in the quality of life.
Chronic anger issues have been associated with many diseases, including anxiety, depression, stress, and cardiovascular diseases. Anger is one of the predisposing factors for hypertension. It causes an increase in the sympathetic reactivity of the cardiovascular system. Though anger itself is an individual risk factor for an increase in blood pressure, the passion which is kept inside is more dangerous than the external anger, which is expressed as an emotional outburst. Studies done in normotensive young adults have proved this fact. Read more
Philosophically, the spiritual teachers instruct us that our rage is our greatest enemy, and our calmness is our protection. Even a moment of anger can take away our strength that we gather by eating good food for three months. Anger not only debilitates us and takes away the merit of our good deeds, but also enfeebles our condition. Our fury not only harms the person towards whom it is directed but also hurts us. In fact, it harms us more than anybody else. Many harmful neurotoxins are produced during a fit of anger.
To combat anger, the first step is to realize or to become aware of this emotion as anger is rising inside us. After being mindful, you can take the following measures. With practice, they will become a habit, and you will see the change in yourself.
- Immediately leave the place where you became angry.
- Go into your room. Take a mirror and look at your face. Looking at your face in anger will make you feel miserable.
- If your temper does not cool down at this point, then drink a glass of cool water. This will likely bring down your anger.
- If this is also difficult for you, then go to the bathroom. Open the tap. Using the sound of the flowing water as the musical scale, start singing a song.
- If your anger still has not receded, then walk briskly for ten to fifteen minutes. Sit down, and peace will prevail onto you.
- We must inculcate patience. Then the anger will automatically subside. If darkness has to be expelled, then light has to be brought out. Similarly, to expel anger, patience has to be fostered.
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