Risk Score

A quick and MCQ based quiz to find out your heart’s health score!

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Risk Score

A quick and MCQ based quiz to find out your heart’s health score!

Get personalized responses based on your inputs and get a FREE toolkit when you complete your quiz!

About the Interheart risk quiz.

This quiz the result of evidence-based research that pinpoints the factors which cause or lead to heart attacks. These are known as ‘risk factors’. This quiz assesses the main categories of: Medical history and medications, tobacco usage, stress, physical activity, diet, and physical measurements of an individual to give a result that gives a basic idea of how healthy your heart is. Each question carries different points that vary based on the risk factors’ role in a heart attack. (The lower the score, the better)

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 Disclaimer: This report is for educational purposes only. For medical advice, please consult your physician.

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A Heartier Future for YOU

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A Heartier Future for YOU

Copyright by Save The Young Heart 2021. All rights reserved.

Copyright by Save The Young Heart 2020. All rights reserved.

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